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Carmen Vicente

The Journeys of Divine Integration - Water of Life

September 27th to 29th 2024


At the invitation of Isabel Angélica at the Terras de Lyz® Mistery School / Escola Iniciática Terras de Lyz®

Mação~Mouriscas, Portugal

Retiro Carmen Vicente portugal
After a happy meeting and sharing between Carmen Vicente and Isabel Angélica in November 2023, this Spiritual Leader arrives at the Terras de Lyz® Initiatory School in Portugal to open a mixed retreat on The Waters of Life where we will commune around the Journeys of Divine Integration.
The purpose of these days is to inform and reflect on shamanic practices.
We will:
- Reflect on what is a Blessing?
- Deepen the relationship between prayer as a manifestation of the word - what it means to elaborate and communicate through a prayer.
- Learn why a staff is a sacred object.
- How a stone ‘cleanses’ the body of tired energies.

In this Retreat we will make objects that help us to understand some of the ancient forms of health care present in the Andean traditions of South America.

Anyone over the age of 18 can take part and women who are menstruating can also take part.

We will experience a Temazcal Ceremony in one of the many different designs that exist.
Friday 27th September 2024

17:00 - Arrival of participants
18h00 - Welcome and blessing
           - Introduction to the working days
20h00 - Dinner

Saturday 28th September 2024

8.30 a.m. - Breakfast9.30 a.m. - Preparation of sticks and rezos
13h00 - Lunch
14h30 - Altars and word
18h30 - Temazcal ceremony
after Temazcal - soup, fruit and salads

Sunday 29th September 2024

8.30am - Breakfast
9.30 a.m. - Exchange of Journey experiences
13h00 - Lunch
15h00 - Blessing and closing of the Days

List of materials for each participant:
1 stick measuring 1.20 cm
Sacred tobacco for smoking and saying prayers (if you don't know, talk to our team)
Quartz crystals or other stones you have for your altar
Objects you consider amulets
Eau de cologne
White sage
Seeds such as corn, beans or others
Small object from your childhood
Glass bottle with 2 litres of spring water
Temazcal clothes

Carmen Vicente will speak in Spanish, but translation will be available.
Carmen Vicente
Carmen Vicente, an acclaimed medicine woman from the Andes, is the leader of this unique ritual, where human beings come together to revive the memory of the Earth's ancient cultures and renew awareness of the relationship between the spiritual dimension and earthly life.
Medicine Woman, Creator of the School of Secrets, Leader of the Vision Quest, the Dance of the Sun and the Dance of the Spirits.

Carmen Vicente is a medicine woman who has been sharing indigenous wisdom traditions around the world for over 30 years. Born in Ecuador, she is heir to a traditional spiritual lineage. From birth, Carmen was recognised in her community for her healing abilities. As a bearer of the sacred art of altars, she has held countless ceremonial circles in Europe and the Americas.

At the same time, she has also dedicated herself to rescuing the art of handicrafts with women's organisations in marginalised sectors of the country, such as prisons and other vulnerable populations, and education programmes for indigenous and peasant children with UNICEF-UNESCO.

Since 2004, Carmen has led women's meetings in Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, the United States, Australia and Europe, sharing with them the path of rediscovering the origin of their power and their responsibilities in modern times, as midwives of creation and guardians of fire.

She regularly participates as a speaker at various festivals and educational events. She also leads various projects in South, Central and North America and Europe.

Find out more about Carmen Vicente: www.carmenvicente.com
A - Early bird until 31/07
A.1- full payment of 225€
A.2 - phased payment of 115€ until 31/07 and 115€ until 15/08

B - Normal price
B.1 - full payment of 260€
B.2 - phased payment of €135 by 15/08 and €135 by 15/09
Registration is considered valid once this form has been completed and proof of payment has been sent in the chosen form.
Payment methods: 

Or IBAN - PT50 0035 0083 0004 8154 1304 6 (CGD)
Or IBAN - LT30 3250 0071 5304 5115 (Revolut)
Or MBWay to the number +351 910 733 513

After any payment, it should be reported by email to escolainiciatica@terrasdelyz.com.



- Available places are allocated in order of valid enrolment
- Only if the retreat is cancelled will the amount paid be refunded;
- Accommodation and meals based on the Mediterranean Diet are included in the prices shown on the event page; if you have a specific diet, you must take care of your special needs;
- Accommodation will be in the form of tents/glamping and we will provide mattresses for sleeping. All you need to bring is your personal sleeping bag and a pillowcase;
- The school has 4 toilets, 2 of which have showers with hot water. You should bring your own bath towel and toiletries;
- The school reserves the right to admit the student taking into account the particularities of this work;
- The school reserves the right to adapt the programme, content, format and timing of this work for the greater good of the group.
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Desenvolvimento Humano e Espiritual

Casas da Ribeira, Mação [Portugal]

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